About Jo the Snail: quite a story


The fashion industry is on the way to becoming the most polluting in the world. The consequences of over- and under-production are also dramatic from a social point of view.
Our aesthetics are becoming globalized and standardized. Every morning in the world is alike, and every day you have to run faster.
Contrary to this headlong rush, a new generation is increasingly choosing to consume less but better. The circular economy, and particularly the textile reuse market, are booming. The need to slow down, and to express our personalities in all their complexity is felt.

In this context, Jo the snail wants to offer an alternative of character, anchored in the circular economy, to question the human under our appearances.

To do this, I seek to create new silhouettes, free and instinctive. Each garment or accessory is a unique piece , made from threads and fabrics that belonged to individuals.

I who write these lines, my name is Luna. Self-taught, I created Jo the Snail as an alter-ego to bring this utopia to life, and share it.

At the origins

Jo is the diminutive of my grandmother's first name , who not only knit me a lot of sweaters, but also entrusted me with a whole life of yarn ends, when I wanted to start this project. a little crazy.

As for the snail, it is first of all an animal very emblematic of my approach: it advances patiently , pulling its little thread. In time, it was also a good remedy to treat "phthisis", the sick. At least, that's what my great-grandmother said. And today, it is in crochet or knitting that we recognize therapeutic and calming virtues.

This same great-grandmother, I learned it too late, had been an ace crocheter, making her own suits ! Without knowing it, I started my very first crochet work the day of his funeral.

It seemed to me that being called Jo the Snail was a nice legacy tribute.

  • Indépendance

    La liberté de tous et toutes d'évoluer dans un monde à leur mesure comme moteur pour la création de pièces audacieuses hors des sentiers battus de l’industrie.

  • Intuitivité

    Chaque pièce est fabriquée à l’instinct, cultivant du même coup un goût certain pour l’anti-académisme, aux origines d'une esthétique renouvelée, intuitive.

  • Douceur

    C'est encore une démarche profondément politique que de revendiquer une perception sensible des choses du monde. Jo the Snail en est une tentative de retranscription.